Silly people, when will they learn?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 29, 2004
at this rate, we're gonna have 20 stickies
on Mar 29, 2004
lol, that wouldn't be such a bad thing.
on Mar 29, 2004
Thanks Jafo

Hmmm. A stickie for rip reports. Doesn't sound bad at all
on Mar 29, 2004
yup i feel is better to have a few stikys..
to be honest i think theres a few of the stiky topics that should be put would help better organize the boards . maybe the stikys should have a different colored text to highlite them from the other topics.....
on Mar 30, 2004
We don't need a sticky for reporting rips. There's already a procedure in place - it's called "e-mail an Admin"
on Apr 04, 2004
Yet another rip from a local author.

Brush Panther BE recently uploaded to the WB section is a rip of Xero's Brush Panther. The new skin has been uploaded with out permission from the original author.
on Apr 04, 2004
on Apr 04, 2004
Thankx Jafo
on Apr 05, 2004
Man! I didn't notice a rip in the top ten. What did it look like?

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Apr 05, 2004
sort of torn and jagged and frayed...
on Apr 05, 2004
Joe I think it looked like a Skin
Honestly, I forgot which one was it
on Apr 06, 2004
Man I missed it!!

Hope I didn't download it. That will give me icky feelings inside.

on Apr 06, 2004
The skin was called Brushed Panther Beta. It was just a darker version of Brushed Panther by xero. The author even admitted it in his comments. Oh well, RIP and learn I guess.
on Apr 06, 2004
Chas, the question now is which skin is Joe reffering to?
This thread has 3 reports of rips. The original one by you and 2 by me
on Apr 06, 2004
Aha I thought so about the Panther. I don't have it.

Now the Chad Ross one... I can't imaging not seeing that rip.
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